Team Building Downloads Resources for own use

Organisations are regularly looking at better ways of communicating. The need to communicate well is constantly under review, as the speed at which messages and actions need to be taken to meet customer demand increases and changes. Below you'll find some basic communication exercises and challenges to encourage more communication and different types of communication.

Suitable for virtual online meetings and events
Free to download for own use
Premium - only available as part of our premium packages

Card match team building

Card Match

A fun and sometimes infuriating challenge! that tests a team's ability to communicate accurately.

Can be run with multiple groups of various sizes F2F (face to face) or online.

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Whispers Team Challenge


The most hilarious eye opener to how messages can get lost in translation!

A non verbal communication challenge where a team of people have to share a visual message to their teammates, one at a time.

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Challenge your team how to make a parachute with a piece of string. Nostalgia meets new world. Lots of variations available.

Takes a few minutes' practice to master the technique prior to the session.

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Mouse trap

Mouse Trap

Team challenge against the clock or against other teams to lead a blindfolded person through a course of mouse traps without any personal contact.

You'll need to source some mouse traps!

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Rope challenge

Perfect Square

Take a team of at least 4 people and challenge them to create a perfect square with a length of rope while blindfolded

Encourages communication, trust and understanding between the group and helps to develop teamwork.

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free team building resources

Challenge 6

More challenges coming soon!

free team building resources

Challenge 7

More challenges coming soon!

free team building resources

Challenge 8

More challenges coming soon!